We’ll discuss today’s various food trends/diets with a nutritionist from Rancho La Puerta to try to shed light on what the right, or wrong, ways we should eat are. The show will open at Whole Foods with the nutritionist and Su-Mei. It seems like there is a new food trend popping up everyday (gluten-free, paleo, vegan, raw, low carb, high carb, protein, etc) and it’s tough for people to know what the best way to eat is. We’ll try to find out if there is a “best” practice and explore some of these trends i.e. juicing at Beaming, a local juice bar and True Food Kitchen to learn about their philosophies and offerings as well. We’ll finish up at The Sporting Club with Susan Sange, a fitness trainer, to round out the discussion by emphasizing that regardless of how healthy/well you eat, exercise is key to ensuring overall wellness.
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